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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

Ministerio A.D

Cativo esta yendo bien, la mayoria de las personas han permanecido, aunque algunos solo van por ir, pero algunos estan muy interesados en lo que se habla y estan estudiando la Biblia. Empezamos a estudiar el libro de Juan explicando…

How can you pray for Amanece

The summer work is finally finished and now we need to focus on our daily lives and ministry. Every week (mainly when teams arent here) we work on our church planting projects, reports for our partners, discipleship and administrative work.…

Juntas de Amanece Dominicano

El pasado 4 de Julio nuestro grupo de Amanece Dom. estuvo compartiendo en una parrillada en la casa de Amilka (bombon) llegamos y mientras prenda el carbon que duro como 2 horas para prender me acordaba de Haiti cuando prendamos…

The Ministry in Cativo.

Ronnie: Blessings to All. Patria and I’ve been fine. As I said earlier we had, our visits have been few due to rain,even so we have continued to visit them and to motivate them. Recently we have been studying the…

Back from Haiti

Blessings to y´all It´s been a month already since we got back from Haiti. I think we are still processing what happened to us there. God performed so many things through us that we clearly believe there was a purpose…

The Church in Guachupita

God bless you rich and abundantly. I want to briefly let you know how things are going in Guachupita`s church and with the brothers there, and also a little summary of what God has been speaking and teaching both, me…


Thanks God we are back in the DR. God made great things through us. I know that he helped us to plant the seeds but He is the one who makes them grow. This journey was a great time foR…

Ya en Dajabon

  Ya en Dajabon Recién esta mañana llegamos a Dajabon y retumba en mi mente las palabras de Job (6:5): ¿Acaso gime el asno montés junto a la hierba? ¿Muge el buey junto a su pasto? Estoy sumamente agradecido con…

Un mes despues

Hola a todos; bendiciones.  Brevemente solo quiero decirles que estamos bien y que Dios nos esta usando grandemente para la obra de su reino aqui en terrier rouge (tierra roja) Haiti. Dios mediante en lo adelante recibiran algunas noticias mas…